Chitambo battles the 3rd wave
26th Jun 2021

Zambia is grappling with the 3rd wave of the pandemic. Chitambo Hospital admitted 2 cases, on oxygen, but they have now been transferred to Kabwe, the Provincial capital. Conditions are stable but the virus....probably a new variant....has spread to the community and children as young as 10 are affected.
Meanwhile our FoCH team is setting a good example by getting vaccinated. Trustees Karen and Ida (pictured) were 'done' in Lusaka yesterday (Friday 26th June), along with their families. They have lovely certificates to prove it (pictured). It was also their first opportunity to meet in person. Levi, also a FoCH Trustee and Senior Nurse Lecturer in Kabwe, is hoping to get vaccinated soon too.
Well done team, you are setting a shining example. There is understandable mistrust in much negative propaganda going about....but getting vaccinated is by far the safest risk and greatest protection against the more serious risks of getting COVID.
Go for it people, you will be saving yourself and others!