Frieds of Chitambo Donations Portal

Following our successful Crowdfunding Appeal for an Oxygen Pipeline for Chitambo Hospital, Central Province, Zambia, we are keeping this portal open for further donations to this or other appeals, including proposed maternity service improvements..

Click here to donate
Friends of Chitambo S.C.I.O

Friends of Chitambo


Our new Crowdfunding Appeal is live

20th Mar 2023

Happy UK Mother's Day!

Friends of Chitambo (FoCH)'s new Crowdfunding Appeal, Chitambo Expectant Mums' Insaka/Waiting Shelter, is now live and we're off to a flying start!

Here's the project link: Crowdfunder link Please pledge a small amount if you can. It will be lifesaving.

Alternatively, please spread the project link as widely as you can, to all your known networks.

A New Zealand Rotary Club has provided the lion's share of the building costs. See this good news story: Whanganui Rotary Club article

FoCH is fundraising for the final £10,000 to build and equip the 20-bed Mothers Waiting Shelter at remote Chitambo Hospital in Central Province, Zambia. This will enable expectant mothers to stay at the hospital ahead of delivery of their babies...the safest option.

FoCH will celebrate this project at our Spring Fling at the Penicuik Storehouse, Scotland, on Easter Saturday, 8th April 2023. Please see this invitation: FoCH Spring Fling Please come and celebrate with us if you can. If you're too far afield, don't worry, we'll post some pictures.


Friends of Chitambo is registered in Scotland as a charity, no. SCO44337. © 2024 All rights reserved