Spring Fling Highlights
23rd Apr 2023
You might enjoy this small video made by a young neighbour, Viola, showing some highlights from our recent Spring Fling fundraising event at the Storehouse on Penicuik, Scotland:
The highlights include:
- Vibrant Scottish folk music by local band, Bottle Island. They did us proud and refused any payment.
- A MAGNIFICENT pink and white cake made by professional baker, Rosemary Bartley...also donated completely free of charge.
- Other food and drink
- Chitenge material table cloths, gifted by FoCH Trustee, Mr Chola Mwelwa, who lives in Chesterfield, England, and is from Chitambo; and created by Ms Agnes Ngulube Holmes, an artistic member of the Scottish Zambian Diaspora.
- Lectures by 2 literally high flying doctors, Mr Albeto Gregori, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, and his wife, Dr Trish O'Connor, Emergency Medicine Consultant.
Both volunteer with FlySpec, a Zambian flying emergency care service. Alberto and Trish were just back from Zambia and gave their Easter Saturday to supporting this event.
They will be back in Zambia in June, when they expect to provide a clinical visit to Chitambo.