Frieds of Chitambo Donations Portal

Following our successful Crowdfunding Appeal for an Oxygen Pipeline for Chitambo Hospital, Central Province, Zambia, we are keeping this portal open for further donations to this or other appeals, including proposed maternity service improvements..

Click here to donate
Friends of Chitambo S.C.I.O

Friends of Chitambo


As if that wasn't enough!

18th Sep 2021

Was it a little ambitious to hold a street fair stall at the same time as launching our Crowdfunding appeal for an oxygen pipeline for Chitambo Hospital?:

Maybe BUT...opportunity knocked and we went for it! A massive thanks to our charity Secretary, Joanne Cannon, for all her efforts and contributions, particularly towards the 'afternoon tea' hampers. Also to our member, Gillian Little, for providing so much wonderful home baking. It was all snapped up in no time!

Thank you to the good people of Penicuik who turned out in such numbers to support us ... it is so gratifying to hear people say, 'Oh yes, Friends of Chitambo ..we know you from the Penicuik Residents face book forum and your Storehouse stall.'

We're on the Penicuik map and so many people have a heart for Chitambo.

Finally, thank you to the Penicuik Community Council for their great organisation and the Good Lord above for the amazing weather! So unusual for Scotland at this time of year!

We're drawing the raffle tomorrow...Sunday 19th 14:00 UK time, on Facebook live, on this site. Join us to cheer on the lucky winners!

Friends of Chitambo is registered in Scotland as a charity, no. SCO44337. © 2025 All rights reserved