Frieds of Chitambo Donations Portal

Following our successful Crowdfunding Appeal for an Oxygen Pipeline for Chitambo Hospital, Central Province, Zambia, we are keeping this portal open for further donations to this or other appeals, including proposed maternity service improvements..

Click here to donate
Friends of Chitambo S.C.I.O

Friends of Chitambo


The scene is set

20th Jan 2022

The scene is set.

The oxygen generator has landed in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and will soon be loaded on a truck bound for Chitambo.

The slab is completed and a forklift truck has been found, for moving the generator from the truck to the slab.

The Baxter family, visitors from Canada, and donors to the oxygen pipeline, are on their way to Zambia today. They will be at Chitambo on 25th January, to celebrate their daughter's 50th birthday. She was born at Chitambo Hospital.

How wonderful if their visit could coincide with the arrival of the generator.

Thanks to all who are helping to bring this plan together.

Friends of Chitambo is registered in Scotland as a charity, no. SCO44337. © 2024 All rights reserved